Saturday, November 7, 2009

Not for Sale!!!!

Last night Bro. Johnson preached on being Not For Sale at the Link Rally. This really got me thinking, lately I've been going over how readily our generation, as well as others who try to remain in our generation, is to use accept the wrong in order to get whatever they want. This past halloween I saw some of the most odd behavior ever, and when talking to people who live in the world this is perfectly fine. I disagree.
When talking about the whole Halloween time of the year, I made the comment that I feel sorry for store owners (as i work at a fast food restaurant, I know a little about the troubles they go through), my friend agreed thats it's sad, but then said that if you own a store in this part of the city, where you know the party happens, you have to be aware and accept the troubles you may have. I responded, WHY? why do we have to accept the fact that my generation gets stupid when they drink and party and they decide to pick up chairs and haul them threw windows? Why must I accept the fact that my peers have not conscious when they pick up the bottle? Why must I accept that no matter what, my peers are going to SELL themselves to whatever excuse they want in order to behave in horrid, destructive (to property and to themselves) manners in which they think they have no consequences? Her's inevitable....I disagree.
I attend a wonderful church in which there is an awesome youth group, one I've never seen before. This youth group will join together and stand for what they believe in, they do not fall, they do not SELL themselves to this world. This is a group of around 10 teenagers that have taken it upon themselves to be apart from this world. I've never seen a more strong group of people; never have I seen this dedication to their beliefs and willing to do what's right, no matter what. Seeing this only helps to prove my point....we do NOT have to ACCEPT the world and it's seemingly fine behavior, we do NOT have to ACCEPT that at age 21 it is fine to go and waist yourself, not get waisted, waist yourself! we do NOT have to ACCEPT the excuses that many think is alright to believe in in order to do things that their elders would not want you to, then the next day claim to be Christian or at least claiming that because it was _____, it was alright for that behavior, and because of that excuse, the consequences just disappear, no, we should hold those accountable no matter if they're drunk, high, using some excuse that they believe makes it all better, they did what they did, no grey areas...they knew that when drinking or using drugs they lose that little voice telling them that tells them what's right and what's wrong; they knew that their inhibitions are lost, their morals tossed to the side, their standards for themselves ignored.
People of Earth, it's time to go against the grain, stand out for what you believe in, to Not sell yourself to this world, to not give into excuses that only show you as someone willing to give up their morals and standards for a "good time". I ask you this....what do you believe in? What are your standards? If your children (future or present), grandmother, and God all stood next to you while you go about your life, would they be proud of you? Or would they be ashamed?
I am Not for Sale....are you?

1 comment:

  1. I guess all I can say is...."Kid", you amaze me!! And I only say "kid", cuz you are MY kid. LOL Bethany, your thoughts are incredible. I'm very proud of you!!!!
